
Title: Caravan Resting At the Gates – .Jerusalem
Artist: Tony Binder
Material: Watercolour
Oil Size: 23.8cm x 38cm
Frame Size: 43.3cm x 58.5cm
Year: 1880’s – 1940’s
Conditions: Good

The back is tatty and the label on the back reads, M. J. Bennett, Ltd…..Importers and Decorators……Karangahape Road, Newton, Broadway Newmarket. The rest has fallen off and the brown paper has with age fallen to bits. Fine nails are bent and rusted. The picture is titled “Caravan Resting At the Gates – Jerusalem”. Artist Tony Binder.

It looks to be a watercolour, very nice scene of camels and men outside a ancient gate, a very nice taste of when people did the yearly trip to the holy land. Glassed and framed. Another pencil mark in the right hand corner, this looks the real thing but I suspect it’s a PRINT. Very interesting.

The art is In its original condition while the frame is a bit loose for somehow, but no trouble to hang up at all.

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Author’s biography:

Tony Binder did sketches in the guest book of the Winter Palace hotel in Luxor, a very high class hotel where Lord Carnarvon spent all of his time when in Egypt. Lady Carnarvon also visited Egypt every year with her husband. When Lord Carnarvon died in April 1923, he had been moved to Cairo, where his wife flew over from England to visit him and returned to England with his body a month later. It is likely that the portrait, if it is of Lady Almina, was completed later, possibly from an earlier sketch. The portrait bears a striking resemblance to the Countess, who has been photographed in a virtually identical stole, but it her face, particularly her nose, that leads us to this conclusion. Tony Binder also painted a watercolour of the Winter Palace.

Anton ‘Tony’ Binder was born in Vienna in 1868. He studied at Academies in Vienna and Munich, but later lived in Alexandria. He travelled throughout Egypt, went to Istanbul, Venice, Italy and France, gathering material for his paintings, but is most known for his orientalist paintings. He died in Nordlinger, Bavaria, in 1944.