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Causes of QuickBooks Error 1603
Missing Windows Installer Components
Incomplete or Damaged QuickBooks Installation files
Damaged Microsoft .Net Framework
Damaged Microsoft C++ & MSXML Components

Reinstall Microsoft C++ & MSXML
Firstly, go to Control Panel
Secondly, you need to click on Uninstall a Program
Thirdly, from the list uninstall all Microsoft MSXML & C++ components
Restart the computer
Finally, download and install the components again from Microsoft Website

Repair Microsoft.Net Framework
Go to Control Panel
Click on Uninstall a Program
Click on Windows Features
Check the .Net Framework 3.5.1 & 4.5 options if not already checked
If already checked, uncheck the options
Restart the computer
Check the .Net Framework 3.5.1 & 4.5 options again
Restart the computer again.

Hope This Helps You Out.

Jake Paul.